Why you should use modelx

Oct 29, 2022

modelx is a handy tool which enables you to use Python like a spreadsheet and build object-oriented models.

You may be wondering, “Why should I use modelx? Why not just use Python alone?”

To feel that modelx makes our life easier, let’s build a simple model using modelx, and see how the same model could be built using Python without modelx.

A Monte-Carlo simulation

Let’s say we want to build a model that performs a Monte Carlo simulation to generate 10,000 stochastic paths of a stock price that follow a geometric Brownian motion and to price an European call option on the stock. For now, let’s ignore the fact that a Black-Scholes formula would give the analytical solution. Later, we will check the analytical method gives the same answer.

Here’s the entire script for building the model using modelx.

import modelx as mx
import numpy as np

model = mx.new_model()                  # Create a new Model named "Model1"
space = model.new_space("MonteCarlo")   # Create a UserSpace named "MonteCarlo"

# Define names in MonteCarlo
space.np = np
space.M = 10000     # Number of scenarios
space.T = 3         # Time to maturity in years
space.N = 36        # Number of time steps
space.S0 = 100      # S(0): Stock price at t=0
space.r = 0.05      # Risk Free Rate
space.sigma = 0.2   # Volatility
space.K = 110       # Option Strike

# Define Cells objects in MonteCarlo from function definitions
def std_norm_rand():
    gen = np.random.default_rng(1234)
    return gen.standard_normal(size=(N, M))

def S(i):
    """Stock price at time t_i"""
    dt = T/N
    if i == 0:
        return np.full(shape=M, fill_value=S0)
        epsilon = std_norm_rand()[i-1]
        return S(i-1) * np.exp((r - 0.5 * sigma**2) * dt + sigma * epsilon * dt**0.5)

def CallOption():
    """Call option price by Monte Carlo"""
    return np.average(np.maximum(S(N) - K, 0)) * np.exp(-r*T)

After executing the code above from IPython console, running the model is as simple as calling a function:

>>> CallOption()

One of modelx’s advantages is, all the intermediate values used to calculate the target CallOption are retained and available at no cost.

>>> S(space.N)      # Stock price at i=N i.e. t=T
array([ 78.58406132,  59.01504804, 115.148291  , ..., 155.39335662,
        74.7907511 , 137.82730703])

If we want to see the option price for another strike, simply assign the new strike to K.

>>> space.K = 100   # Cache is cleared by this assignment

>>> CallOption()    # New option price for the updated strike

You can even dynamically create multiple copies of MonteCarlo with different combinations of r and sigma, by parameterizing MonteCarlo with r and sigma:

>>> space.parameters = ("r", "sigma")   # Parameterize MonteCarlo with r and sigma

>>> space[0.03, 0.15].CallOption()  # Dynamically create a copy of MonteCarlo with r=3% and sigma=15%

>>> space[0.06, 0.4].CallOption()   # Dynamically create another copy with r=6% and sigma=40%

Understanding the modelx approach

Now, let’s look back and take a closer look at the initial script to understand more about what was going on when we built the model.

import modelx as mx
import numpy as np

The first import statement starts modelx behind the scene, and defines mx, an alias for the modelx modules for convenience.

The second import statement should be familiar to most Python users. It imports the numpy module as np into the global namespace of the __main__ module, which is the module that we are just working in. As we will see later, defining np in the global namespace of __main__ doesn’t make it available from the Formulas. We’ll get to this point later.

By the next statement, we are creating a new Model object and assigning it to a name model. Since we don’t give an explicit name to the new_model function, the model is named Model1 by modelx. A Model object is to modelx what a Workbook is to Excel. It is the outermost container of all objects contained in it.

Then the next statement creates a UserSpace object named MonteCarlo in the model. A UserSpace is to modelx what a Worksheet is to Excel. It is a container in which we are going to create Cells objects.

model = mx.new_model()                  # Create a new Model named "Model1"
space = model.new_space("MonteCarlo")   # Create a UserSpace named "MonteCralo"

A Cells object acts like a cached function. It can be called like a function, and the returned value is retained until it needs to be updated. A Cells object resembles a cell in Excel, but unlike Excel’s cell, its formula can have parameters, so it can retain multiple values, one value for one set of parameter values.

A UserSpace has another important role, aside from being the parent of containing Cells, which is to provide the namespace for the Formulas of the containing Cells. In this sense, a UserSpace resembles a Python module.

A Cells object has an associated Formula object. The Formula object is essentially a Python function, except that it is not evaluated in the Python’s global namespace, which is, in our case, __main__’s namespace, but instead, it is evaluated in the namespace provided by the parent UserSpace. You can define names in the UserSpace’s namespace by attribute assignment operations.

The next block of code assigns values and objects we use in our model to names in the namespace of MonteCarlo.

# Define names in MonteCarlo
space.np = np
space.M = 10000     # Number of scenarios
space.T = 3         # Time to maturity in years
space.N = 36        # Number of time steps
space.S0 = 100      # S(0): Stock price at t=0
space.r = 0.05      # Risk Free Rate
space.sigma = 0.2   # Volatility
space.K = 110       # Option Strike

The next part constructs the main body of our model’s calculation logic. It creates 3 Cells objects, std_norm_rand, S and CallOption in MonteCarlo. A Cells object acts like a cached function. It can be called like a function, and the returned value is retained until it needs to be updated.

defcells is a convenience decorator for creating Cells objects quickly from function definitions. The first def statement with defcells decorator creates a Cells object named std_norm_rand, and assigns the object to the name std_norm_rand in the global namespace of __main__. In addition, the statement defines the formula property of the Cells object from the std_norm_rand function definition. The formula property holds the Formula object, which is essentially a copy of the decorated Python function, but the global names in the Formula refer to the values we just assigned above.

The same goes with S and CallOption. Note that within the definitions of the formulas, we can refer to the other Cells defined in MonteCarlo as well as the names defined above. Also note that we can refer to the names directly, without preceding object names and the dot.

# Create Cells objects in MonteCarlo and define their formulas from function definitions

def std_norm_rand():
    gen = np.random.default_rng(1234)
    return gen.standard_normal(size=(N, M))

def S(i):
    """Stock price at time t_i"""
    dt = T/N
    if i == 0:
        return np.full(shape=M, fill_value=S0)
        epsilon = std_norm_rand()[i-1]
        return S(i-1) * np.exp((r - 0.5 * sigma**2) * dt + sigma * epsilon * dt**0.5)

def CallOption():
    """Call option price by Monte Carlo"""
    return np.average(np.maximum(S(N) - K, 0)) * np.exp(-r*T)

Building the model without modelx

Now let’s see how a similar model can be build by Python without modelx.

import numpy as np

# Define names in this module

M = 10000     # Number of scenarios
T = 3         # Time to maturity in years
N = 36        # Number of time steps
S0 = 100      # S(0): Stock price at t=0
r = 0.05      # Risk Free Rate
sigma = 0.2   # Volatility
K = 110       # Option Strike

# Define Cells objects from function definitions

def std_norm_rand():
    gen = np.random.default_rng(1234)
    return gen.standard_normal(size=(N, M))

def S(i):
    """Stock price at time t_i"""
    dt = T/N; t = dt * i
    if i == 0:
        return np.full(shape=M, fill_value=S0)
        epsilon = std_norm_rand()[i-1]
        return S(i-1) * np.exp((r - 0.5 * sigma**2) * dt + sigma * epsilon * dt**0.5)

def CallOption():
    """Call option price by Monte-Carlo"""
    return np.average(np.maximum(S(N) - K, 0)) * np.exp(-r*T)

The code above defines the same names and functions as the modelx example above. If you run the code then the names and functions are defined in the global namespace of the __main__ module.

We can check that calling CallOption give the same value as the modelx example. However, this code is very inefficient, as std_norm_rand is called 36 times and every time it’s called it generates the same 10,000 random numbers. To feel the inefficiency more clearly, we can change N to, say, 360 and call CallOption. We will see that the call takes a lot of time.

To avoid the multiple calls, a cache mechanism can be added. Luckily, functools, one of the Python standard libraries offers decorators to implement such functionality pretty quickly. The code below modifies the previous implementation with the cache mechanism.

import numpy as np
from functools import cache

# Define names in MonteCarlo

M = 10000     # Number of scenarios
T = 3         # Time to maturity in years
N = 36        # Number of time steps
S0 = 100      # S(0): Stock price at t=0
r = 0.05      # Risk Free Rate
sigma = 0.2   # Volatility
K = 110       # Option Strike

# Define Cells objects from function definitions

def std_norm_land():
    gen = np.random.default_rng(1234)
    return gen.standard_normal(size=(N, M))

def S(i):
    """Stock price at time t_i"""
    dt = T/N; t = dt * i
    if i == 0:
        return np.full(shape=M, fill_value=S0)
        epsilon = std_norm_rand()[i-1]
        return S(i-1) * np.exp((r - 0.5 * sigma**2) * dt + sigma * epsilon * dt**0.5)

def CallOption():
    """Call option price by Monte-Carlo"""
    return np.average(np.maximum(S(N) - K, 0)) * np.exp(-r*T)

Now, CallOption doesn’t take much time even if N is large, thanks to cache. However, cache doesn’t detect changes made to names and functions that the decorating function is referring to. So, when you call CallOption in an interactive Python session and change K or S won’t clear the cache of CallOption:

To get the updated value, you need to clear the cache either by rerunning the entire script or explicitly calling cache_clear on CallOption and S. This is obviously inconvenient and error prone.

>>> CallOption()    # This caches the returned value 

>>> r = 0.03    # Changing the risk free rate 

>>> CallOption()    # Returns the cached value

>>> CallOption.cache_clear()    # Clearing the cached value

>>> CallOption()    # Still wrong because S(i) returns cached values

>>> S.cache_clear()

>>> CallOption.cache_clear()    # Need to clear again

>>> CallOption()    # Finally this returns the correct value

Another disadvantage of this approach is that we cannot instanciate the module, so to price multiple options we need to reuse the same module by clearing the caches, assigning new value to the names and calling the same CallOption. This limitation can be resolved by defining names and methods in a class instead.

Using Python class instead of modelx

Another approach would be to define the names and the logic in a class, so that we can make instances of the class.

import numpy as np
from functools import cache

class MonteCarlo:

    def __init__(self):
        self.M = 10000     # Number of scenarios
        self.T = 3         # Time to maturity in years
        self.N = 36        # Number of time steps
        self.S0 = 100      # S(0): Stock price at t=0
        self.r = 0.05      # Risk Free Rate
        self.sigma = 0.2   # Volatility
        self.K = 110       # Option Strike

        # Workaround to use cache on methods. 
        self.std_norm_rand = cache(self._std_norm_rand)
        self.S = cache(self._S)
        self.CallOption = cache(self._CallOption)

    def _std_norm_rand(self):
        gen = np.random.default_rng(1234)
        return gen.standard_normal(size=(self.N, self.M))

    def _S(self, i):
        """Stock price at time t_i"""
        dt = self.T / self.N
        if i == 0:
            return np.full(shape=self.M, fill_value=self.S0)
            epsilon = self.std_norm_rand()[i-1]
            return self.S(i-1) * np.exp(
                (self.r - 0.5 * self.sigma**2) * dt + self.sigma * epsilon * dt**0.5)

    def _CallOption(self):
        """Call option price by Monte-Carlo"""
        return np.average(np.maximum(self.S(self.N) - self.K, 0)) * np.exp(-self.r * self.T)

There are two major differences from the module approach.

First, since cache cannot be used on methods as this video explains in detail, 3 methods are assigned to instance variables in __init__ to work around the limitation.

Second, the names defined in __init__ are preceded by self. when they are referenced in the methods. This makes the methods less concise and harder to read.

With this approach, we can create multiple instances of MonteCarlo:

>>> mc1 = MonteCarlo()

>>> mc1.CallOption()

>>> mc2 = MonteCarlo()

>>> mc2.r = 0.03

>>> mc2.CallOption()

However, even with this approach, the problem of caches being not automatically updated still persists.

>>> mc1.r = 0.03

>>> mc1.CallOption()    # Returns the cached value

>>> mc1.CallOption.cache_clear()

>>> mc1.CallOption()    # Still wrong because S(i) returns cached values

>>> mc1.S.cache_clear()

>>> mc1.CallOption.cache_clear()    # Need to clear again

>>> CallOption()    # Finally this returns the correct value


We have seen how modelx helps us quickly build a model that you cannot build in Python alone without modelx. modelx allows us to write recursive formulas thanks to its sophisticated caching mechanism. modelx’s UserSpace provides the namespace for contained Cells, and multiple copies of it can be created dynamically by parameterizing it with names defined in it. Other than the cache and parameterization features, modelx offers many more features to help us interactively develop, run, debug, save and document models.

One last thing we should do is to check the option prices by the Black-Scholes formula. Continuing from the first script, we can define and run a Black-Scholes formula as follows. The result is pretty close to the Monte-Carlo result.

>>> @mx.defcells
... def BlackScholesCall():
...     """Call option price by Black-Scholes-Merton"""
...     from scipy.stats import norm
...     e = np.exp
...     N = norm.cdf
...     d1 = (np.log(S0/K) + (r + 0.5 * sigma**2) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T))
...     d2 = d1 - sigma * np.sqrt(T)
...     return S0 * N(d1) - K * e(-r*T) * N(d2)  

>>> space.K = 110   # Changing the strike price back to the initial value

>>> BlackScholesCall()

>>> CallOption() / BlackScholesCall()   # 0.3% error